Shaw IP Relay

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Shaw IP Relay service

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Shaw IP Relay?

Shaw IP Relay is a relay service for deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals to place and receive text-based relay calls from their personal computer (PC) and/or mobile device*. A Shaw IP Relay operator will connect an IP Relay caller to a voice party. All calls are strictly confidential. All you need to use Shaw IP Relay is a PC with an Internet connection.

Hearing users can place calls to deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals by dialing Shaw IP Relay at 1.866.699.7429 and providing the Shaw IP Relay agent with your 9-digit IP Relay number. When the deaf individual is logged in to Shaw IP Relay, they will receive a message alerting them of an incoming IP Relay call.

What you need to make Shaw IP Relay calls from a PC:

  • Internet connection (DSL, cable, T1, etc.)
  • Internet browser (Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 or 8, Apple Safari 4 or greater, Mozilla Firefox 3.5 or greater, Google Chrome)
  • Computer

The Shaw IP Relay app is now live. Download for free on the App Store or Google Play.
App Store link:
Play link:

Shaw IP Relay Calls

Deaf individuals must be registered with Shaw IP Relay before they are able use the Shaw IP Relay service. Once your account is created, you will receive a 9-digit number and password. You will be able to make and receive Shaw IP Relay calls.

What type of calls can I make?

  • IP to Voice
  • Voice to IP
  • Two line VCO (voice carry over) to Voice
  • Two line HCO (hearing carry over) to Voice
  • Local, long-distance and international calls

Not supported:

  • Calls to 900 numbers
  • IP to IP calls

IP to Voice calls within North America are free of charge to the IP caller. International and directory assistance calls will be charged at regular rates and will appear on your Shaw phone bill.

Why is my IP Relay number 9 digits?

The 9-digit number is a unique Shaw IP Relay personal phone number, just like the ones used on standard phone lines. The 9 digits reflect that this is an IP number and not a standard phone number. Each number is unique. The "prefix" numbers (the first three numbers – the area code) do not include 800, 877 or 866.

How do voice callers reach me?

Voice callers will simply dial the toll-free Shaw IP Relay number, which is 1.866.699.7429, and provide the Shaw IP Relay operator with your dedicated 9-digit number. The IP Relay operator will connect to your IP number. You must be logged onto Shaw IP Relay in order to receive an incoming call. The voice caller's number will be displayed to you and you have the option to accept or ignore the incoming call.

What happens if I'm not logged onto the Shaw IP Relay web page or choose to ignore an incoming voice call?

If you are not logged onto the Shaw IP Relay web page or you choose to ignore an incoming voice call, the voice caller will have the option to leave a text message. Messages will be displayed on your "Make a Call" screen. When you make a call, your 10-digit registered wireline number will be displayed on the other person's caller ID screen. This way, they'll know it is you and will be more likely to answer the call.

Who can get a nine-digit number?

Any person who is deaf, hard of hearing or has a speech disability and uses relay services may register for a 9-digit number for Shaw IP Relay.

What happens if I've moved to a new location?

You must keep your location (address) information up-to-date in your account profile to ensure that emergency calls connect to the most appropriate 911 operator. To make changes or updates on your account profile, simply log in to the Shaw IP Relay page.

Is this service offered in French?

IP Relay is available in English and French. Your IP Relay call can be routed to either an English or French IP Relay operator by selecting “English” or “French” before pressing the call button. To make changes or updates on your account profile, simply log in to the Shaw IP Relay page.

“I can’t submit my request for access

If you have questions or need support for IP Relay services, please contact
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Emergency Services

Police, Fire and Ambulance

Can I dial emergency services using Shaw IP Relay?

Yes, but we urge you to call 911 using your TTY (if available) for emergency calls to avoid possible life-threatening delay. If you need to contact emergency services such as police, fire and ambulance using Shaw IP Relay, the Shaw IP Relay operator will route your emergency call over the wireline E911 network to the nearest public safety answering point (PSAP) based on your registered wireline phone number. When using Shaw IP Relay for your emergency calls, be sure to describe your name, location and any important information clearly so the operator can quickly contact your local emergency response center.

How do I call emergency services using Shaw IP Relay?

Simply select the emergency button from the Shaw IP Relay "Make a call" tab. The Shaw IP Relay operator will verify your location even if you have a registered wireline phone number on file. Be sure to clearly describe your emergency and any other identifying information at the beginning of the call.

Why must I provide you with a registered wireline phone number for emergency services?

To make sure the emergency personnel (police, fire, ambulance) know where to go in an emergency.

Is a P.O. Box an acceptable address for emergency service?

No. The address you provide is the physical address where you want emergency personnel to go in an emergency. Emergency services cannot be dispatched to post office box addresses.

What happens if I move or change my current address?

You must remember to update your address information in your profile. You should do this so that if/when you are in need of help, emergency services personnel are dispatched to the correct address to render aid. It is your responsibility to ensure that this information is up-to-date.

What would happen if I was disconnected from the operator during an emergency call?

The operator would complete the call to emergency services and provide them with your information.

What information should I provide when I call emergency services?

Be sure to tell the Shaw IP Relay operator the following information:

  • Your current street address (where are you?)
  • Your name
  • What is the emergency?
  • Any additional information that will help the emergency personnel
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IP Relay Service

How to register for Shaw IP Relay

  1. Visit to
  2. Click on "Register for a new account"
  3. Fill in the required information in the appropriate fields
  4. Read the Shaw IP Relay Terms of Service
  5. If you agree to the Terms of Service, check the "I accept the Shaw IP Relay Terms of Service" box
  6. Click on "Register"

You will be notified by e-mail of your registration status within 24 to 48 hours. A successful registration e-mail will include your 9 digit IP Relay number and password information.

How to log onto Shaw IP Relay

  1. Enter your access number (9 digit IP Relay number) into the “Access Number” field
  2. Enter your password
  3. Click on "Log on"

You will be taken to the Shaw IP Relay service page and you can begin making calls.

How to make an IP to Voice call

  1. If you know the 10 digit number you wish to call, enter it in the "Number to dial" field
  2. Enter your instructions for the operator
  3. Select the language you would like the call to be placed in (English or French)
  4. Click on the "Call" button

You will be connected to the next available Shaw IP Relay operator.

How to make an international IP to Voice call

  1. Enter the international number in the "Number to dial" field
  2. Check the "International" box
  3. Enter your instructions for the operator
  4. Select the language you would like the call to be placed in (English or French)
  5. Click on the "Call" button

You will be connected to the next available Shaw IP Relay operator.

How to update your profile information

IMPORTANT: Updating your profile information is your responsibility. Please keep all address information up to date in case of emergency.

  1. Click on the Profile tab at the top of the IP Relay page
  2. The Profile box will open on your screen
  3. Make your changes in the appropriate fields
  4. Click on "Save Changes"
  5. Your profile has been updated
  6. Close the window to return to the "Make a call" screen

How to use the Address Book

  1. Click on the Address Book tab at the top of the IP Relay page
  2. The Address Book box will open on your screen
  3. Select what you would like to do
    Edit - will allow you to change the contact information
    Delete - will allow you to remove the contact from your address book
    Call - will automatically place the number in the "Number to dial" field
    Add - will allow you to add contacts
  4. Close the window to return to the "Make a call" screen

How to change your preferences

  1. Click on the Preferences tab at the top of the IP Relay page
    The Preference box will open on your screen
  2. You can use this tab to change the following
    Language (English/French)
    Font size & colour
    Remember to save your changes
    Changes to your preferences will be updated the next time you log on
  3. Click on "Reset font" to start over
  4. Close the window to return to the "Make a call" screen

How to make a two-line Voice Carry Over (VCO) IP Relay Call

  1. Enter your 10 digit wireline number in "Number to dial" field
  2. This number must have Three-way Calling capability
  3. Enter your instructions for the operator
  4. You can update your profile for VCO service or
  5. Let the operator know you are a VCO caller
  6. Select the language you would like the call to be placed in (English or French)
  7. Click on the "Call" button
  8. You will be connected to the next available Shaw IP Relay operator
  9. The Relay operator will call you back at the call-back phone number
  10. Dial the number of the person you would like to conference
  11. The Shaw IP Relay operator will type the hearing caller's responses on your IP Relay screen
  12. You will be able to use your voice directly to your party on the second line
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